Monday, April 20, 2009


I love Voltaire. This made me laugh this morning:

A Sermon Preached Before Fleas

My dear fleas, you are the cherished work of god; and this entire universe has been made for you. God created man only to serve as your food, the sun only to light your way, the stars only to please your sight, etc.

I happened to be in the cafeteria getting a cup of tea when I read this and started laughing. I think the cafeteria ladies believe I am crazy. Who else walks around with a volume of Voltaire? And how does one easily explain the humor in that passage?

My favorite story is by far The Way the World Goes. Somehow, knowing that the humanity hasn't changed one bit in the last four-five centuries makes me feel better about my continued existence. If we haven't managed to destroy the world in the last 500 years, I am confident that it will continue to exist through the next 500. I agree, there is fallacy in my logic.

I rather like this as well:

Non mei inimici sed invidi perdiderunt.

(Not my enemies but they who envy me will destroy me.)

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