Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Gym

I hate going to the gym. Why? Because it's a multi-step process that has proven non-sustainability.

Step 1: (night before or morning of - 10min)
Pack in duffle bag: clothes, sneakers, towel, soaps (if choose to shower), padlock for locker.

Step 2: (10 min)
Walk to Gym to reserve cardio equipment 1 hour before actually get to use it.

Step 3: (10 min)
Walk to gym again this time for the exercise experience and change into exercise clothes.

Step 4: (10 min)
Adjust and clean cardio equipment because the previous exercise douche didn't reset or clean anything.

Step 4: (30 min)
Work out.

Step 5: (10 min)
Cooling off period. Being the nice person I am, I reset the equipment and clean it off.

Step 6: (20 min)
Shower and change so I don't kill living creatures with After-Gym Body Stink.

Total time for gym experience: 110 minutes
Total time actually working out: 30 minutes
Total wasted time: 80 minutes

How the *$#!)> can anyone stand doing this? And might I add that using the exercise bike is better than running on a treadmill, which is the most boring exercise man has ever created.

I'll admit, I could cut out 10 minutes if I had reserved a locker and kept a change of clothes/shoes at the gym, but it leaves me with a whole whopping 70 minutes that I still will spend at the gym that is not exercising. Is this what people mean when the say, "I'm going to the gym for an hour" ? Do they actually mean "I'm going to the gym, prepare to exercise, actually only exercise for 20 minutes, then do other crap after exercising."? The crazy thing is, I can't figure out any step of the process that could be eliminated except for the showering bit, in which case I just stink. Or maybe if I showed up to the gym in my work-out-clothes, but that's impossible in winter.

I'm determined to keep to my work-out schedule for the next three weeks, but this may require much fortitude in character.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Running on the street isn't such a good idea. I'll end up getting hit by a car or bus.


  1. You'd end up getting hit by a car or bus just walking on the street - no need to run.

    Seriously, exercise is a giant pain and does take time. In the end I feel like you do accomplish something though. Eh maybe it's the media propaganda machine out there...

  2. Are there any trails near you?

    Well, once you move out to Mayo-land, I'm sure the options will open up...
