Saturday, April 3, 2010

Jamie Oliver

Just watched an episode of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.

Why aren't children being taught how to cook anymore? I think the primary problem with weight gain/obesity levels:

1. Eat too much, not enough exercise. Physics. Simple as that. Calories in - calories out = weight gain or loss.

2. No one cooks these days due to convenience so in comes processed foods, which are really not that much cheaper and far higher in calories. (Even compared to my cooking, and yes, I use butter.)

3. Eat too much, not enough exercise. Can't be said enough times.

Okay, I'm a bit hypocritical. I've gained 10 pounds since the start of residency and I'm achingly slow at losing it. I know why I gained that weight: I ate too much (mostly cafeteria food) and didn't move enough (although I walk the length of my football field hospital approximately 10x/average work day).

It's still not enough and we shouldn't ever think it is.

I think Jamie's got a point: it begins with believing there is a problem and having the willpower to change it.

Now about those 10 pounds . . .

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